Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Gossip Girl

My DVR recordings are typical of any red-blooded American male. You can always find the newest episodes of Man vs. Wild, The Office, 30 Rock, Mad Men and of course the latest Sports Center. I proudly keep these shows on tap year round. There is one show that like the others, gets recorded every week, but unlike the programs listed above, gets deleted the second it is seen. This dirty little secret is Gossip Girl.

Why do I love watching it so much? This is a question I ask myself every Monday. The name itself denotes something I avoid at all costs. I would rather twist my nipples till they were purple then listen to some gossipy girl rant about how her supposed best friend slutted it up with guys X, Y and Z. It’s not like I am some lover of melodramatic shows either. Grays Anatomy? One Tree Hill? I couldn’t care less about some over sexed hospital where it seems like all their patients die (If they stopped spending their time whoring around maybe they could focus in and save a few peeps), or how two same-age non-twin brothers can’t get over their daddy issues. I honestly don’t know why I love GG so much but here are a few theories.

1. Blake Lively. I realize this doesn’t make any sense. She is obviously super hot but that isn’t a reason for watching the show. If it were then I would have One Tree Hill on repeat because of this girl. It’s not that she is a good actress either. Her Boston accent in The Town was so bad it seemed like it was out of a Saved by the Bell episode (future blog topic). All I know is that there is something about Serena Van Der Woodsen that keeps me coming back for more.

2. Chuck Bass. This one is super obvious, Chuck Bass is awesome. I don’t know of any guy who watches GG (yes there are more guys then just me who tune in) that doesn’t think he is a complete Bad A**. In fact there are only one three movie characters’ cooler than him (here, here and here) and only two guys (here and here) in real life that are anywhere close. Don Draper is next in line as far as TV goes but after him it is a distant 3rd.

3. The Plot. It easy to follow and completely unbelievable which makes it a fun watch. There has never been a character that has been introduced (aside from the original cast) that doesn’t have some crazy, outlandish secret (they are also usually way hot, check out the latest, Charlie). Also, each character is a nut-job which is reflected in their behavior: Serena wants to find her dad so she thinks the best way to find him is acting crazy in front of the media? Chuck Bass, who is the equivalent of Donald Trump’s son, has amnesia and no one recognizes him? Come on! That is about as realistic as Elijah Wood saving Middle Earth or Forrest Gump being awarded the Medal of Honor. For some reason I love the falsified drama and absorbent money they throw around.

All in all these theories don’t really hold up. I get that. There is no reason why I should like this show over any other CW dribble but I do. Whether it be Blair’s selfish plans, or Dan’s unfailing moral compass they have me hooked. You best believe I will be on my couch next Monday wishing and hoping that somehow I can become a part of the Upper East Side.

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