Friday, February 1, 2008

Top 5 Reaons We Love Tay Tay

As many of you know, Tay left on his mission last week. So, in honor of him, I am going to take a few moments and dedicate a post to our boy. So here they are, the top 5 reasons why we love the little guy

5. Puppies

Taylor loves puppies and that is one of the reasons that we love him. If there were ever a time where someone would ask, "hey, where is Taylor?" The answer was sure to come back, "oh, he went to the pet store to play with all the puppies." He beter not pet all those puppies in Fiji because that is a sure-fire way to get an STD....What?

4. Kitties

For as much as Taylor loves puppies, he hates kitties.

3. Phil Collins

Ever since Tay was a young buck, he just loved Phil Collins. When he was little, Taylor would listed to Serious Hits at least 2 hours a day. You could ask him right now what single song changed his life more than any other and he would say In the Air of the Night every time. When Tarzan came out we saw the movie 4 times in the opening week (part of the reason was because of Rosie O'Donnell's voice over work, she is just so talented)

2. The Lottery

This one is kind of obvious but I thought I would post it anyway. Taylor loves the lottery. How many of us have gone on that monthly drive up to Idaho just so that he could buy his lottery ticket. Taylor once said that one of his main reasons for wanting to go into politics was so that he could legalize gambling in Utah.

Side-note, Ed Mcmahon is awesome and talented...and awesome.

1. His Heart

In all seriousness Taylor has the biggest heart of anyone I know. If you have ever had the chance to meet him, you know what I am talking about. The kid is loved by everyone and will be truly missed for the next couple of years.

1 comment:

Natlee Lloyd said...

What? Ok I agree with #1.
5. He'll try anything on skis or a wakeboard
4. His size XXXL or was it XXXXL tanktop
3. His sense of humor
2. He loves his nephews to death
1. His smile, charm, and good looks!